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Energy of the Week 7/12

Grand rising beautiful beings 🌞 Happy Moonday, may everyone’s week be amazing 🧡

✨🧿Affirmation for today

I release time and let the universe show me what to do.

Divine timing, in order for it to do it’s thing, you gotta do your part, release the need for control today. We tend to put our hands in situations that we can’t control to simply feel like we are in control of something in our life sometimes. But what we don’t realize is that by doing that, by not letting go of the reigns, we self-Sabotage, it’s like if you were baking a cake, but kept checking and opening the oven. It’s not going to come out the way it’s supposed to because you keep checking on it! Stop that, let the universe, let your guides, let your ancestors do their job, and if you do yours I promise, that cake will come out much better than you imagined.


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