La Limpia (Home Cleansing Kit)
Custom Deep Limpia/cleanse for your home & you! This is a cleansing kit perfect for when you need to cleanse the energy in your home, you, when you're wanting to welcome new beginnings into your life, welcome a new career or simply refresh your space.
This limpia package includes the following:
- Custom-made herbal spiritual cleansing bath.
- Custom-made herbal blend for smoke cleansing.
- Custom-made spiritual candle.
- Custom-made home candle.
- Custom-made better business candle.
- Custom-made road opener candle.
- Protection against mal de Ojo Baño.
- Agua de canela.
- Custom-made spiritual cleansing floor wash.
- FREE consultation to talk about your needs/concerns.
- Instructions on how to use each product and explanation of all herbs/items used.
I will walk you through how to properly clease and rid your home and you of any stangant energy, or dense energy stuck around you or your home. I will work with you to figure out the best plan of action for you and your space!